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Mathematics Tuition K- 6

  • Maths lessons are available for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and are aligned with the NSW Mathematics syllabus outcomes.

  • Lessons are delivered face to face in small groups.

  • Students are pre tested prior to commencing to determine their strengths and areas of need

  • Children who share similar needs are grouped to work on content in each level.

  • Each lesson involves the use of concrete materials and hands on activities to ensure children develop a deep understanding of Mathematical concepts.

  • Focus is on developing skills in the Number content of the NSW syllabus as these underpin all other concepts.

Content in each Level

Foundational Skills- Students consolidate skills of part part whole, place value, simple addition and subtraction and grouping (multiplication) and sharing (division). 


Level 1- Students continue to develop their understanding of place value, simple fractions and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). They work with larger numbers, number lines and concrete materials to develop deep understanding of concepts. 


Level 2-Students use mental and written strategies, such as algorithms, to solve mathematical problems. They consolidate their recall of multiplication facts. They develop understanding of fractions and decimals and learn to solve problems and communicate their thinking. They continue to develop their understanding of mathematical language and work on Measurement and Space content.


Level 3- Students apply their knowledge to solve worded problems using a variety of strategies. They continue to develop their understanding of equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages and use this to solve problems. They solve more complex problems related to Algebra, Measurement, Space and Probability concepts.

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