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MSL Therapy 

Multisensory Structured Language Therapy (MSL) is an approach to teaching reading, spelling and writing. MSL is based on the principles of Orton and Gillingham's research into reading and current scientific reading research. MSL is not a program that must be followed, it is a guiding pedagogy that is flexible in delivery depending on the individual student. MSL assists ALL students, including those with dyslexia or other learning differences. MSL is considered the gold standard for students who have Specific Learning Disorder in Reading (Dyslexia)


The Principles of MSL

Structured and Sequential

Concepts are introduced in a structured and systematic way, at a pace suitable to the student. Previous learning is regularly revised to consolidate understanding. Simpler concepts are taught before moving onto more complex skills.


Several senses are engaged during instruction (visual, auditory and kinesthetic/tactile). This enables consistent links to be made between what we see, hear and feel when reading and spelling.

Emotionally Sound

Regular review of previously learned skills ensures children experience success. Lessons move as fast or as slow as required. Students learn to think critically based on the rules they have been taught and build greater confidence in their ability as learners.

Ongoing Assessment

Students' skills are assessed prior to commencing MSL lessons at Quick Brown Fox Learning. Individual programs can then be devised to meet the specific needs of each learner. Ongoing assessment occurs throughout lessons and specific feedback is provided to students and parents.

Meg Cook has trained at The Australian Dyslexia Association and is an experienced MSL Educator.  Meg has used MSL approach when teaching reading in mainstream schools from Kindergarten to Year 2, in small group intervention groups and also in 1:1 settings as a therapist. She specialises in teaching children who learn differently. 


Contact Quick Brown Fox Learning to arrange your child's MSL Reading Assessment and ongoing therapy.


"Students, particularly those with dyslexia, need to be taught slowly and thoroughly, the basic elements of their language-and how to put these together and take them apart. They have to have lots of practice in having their writing hands, eyes, ears and voices working together for conscious organisation and retention of their learning."


Institute of Multisensory Structured Language Education

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